Writing blog posts to my future self because I'm very forgetful
How to change the legacy O365 Teams Webhook for a Teams Workflow Webhook · Microsoft switches off O365 connectors in Teams. If you ever clicked on...
What is Semantic Kernel, and what is it not? A comparison using a real life scenario from a developers perspective · Introduction As someone who is using...
Using Azure Durable Functions and OpenAPI Microservices to give tools to autonomous agents, cloud-native, at scale · Introduction This is a follow-up...
Using C#, Reflection and Workflow-as-Text to create an Agent that can do everything you can code, autonomously · Introduction Earlier this year, OpenAI...
Hello, a quick blog post on an impactful topic, at least for Azure Workflow Users. You have an Azure Function, and you have a Logic App, and you want...
How to secure Azure Functions and Web APIs with increasing effort · Introduction - what is security? Security in an API deployment aims to restrict...